You are free to create and save a deck but will not be able to edit it later. Guest decks are hidden from our list of decks but will always be accessible via direct link.
Your deck has an invalid number of regions, each unique Runeterra region champion counts as their own region.
Your deck has multi-region cards that have no matching mono-region card.
Build the deck that's perfect for you! Legends of Runeterra has so many cards and strategies to choose from, but with RuneterraFire's deck builder and deck tools you can craft your perfect deck for your preferred playstyle! Keep an eye on your mana curve, balance your hero, spell, follower, landmark, and equipment cards, and keep the rarity of your deck in view. You can import a deck code to get started quickly. If you're making this deck to share with others be sure to write some instructions on how best to play your deck in the description, and check out the decks created by the community to see if anyone else has a similar strategy, and what they might do differently. Happy deck building!
Follow the recommended steps below to easily build your deck.